Death Valley (2021)

A monstrous, murderous creature is on the loose in a Russian(?, or similar) military science biology research bunker, and there is a (young, pretty, petite, female) American scientist trapped inside with it. A small team of elite American soldiers is tasked with rescuing her. They don’t know anything about the monster, though. The only complication that they’re aware of, and a considerable complication it is, is that the Russians have already amassed a small army with much weaponry at the bunker, looking to destroy the monster themselves, or retrieve the data in the bunker, I’m not really sure what their mission is. But, the Russians don’t care one whit about the American scientist, and won’t hesitate to kill her on sight. So these US army men need to bypass the Russian troops, undetected, find and rescue the woman scientist, and get outta there, again undetected.

But, they weren’t counting on a big monster being in there. And then we find out that there’s not just one monster, but all sorts of them crawling in the tunnels.

So it’s not the most terribly original story. But is it entertaining? Yes, yes it is. Is it well done? I’d say yes again. It feels kinda like a Roger Corman flick. These monsters even have a certain resemblance to those in Humanoids from the Deep.

Surprisingly, they didn’t overload on shaky cam. Most if not all of the movie is handheld, and they very easily could have gone shaky cam, especially in the gunfight scenes, but they didn’t. Bonus points for that. It gets a little bit confusing at the end. I think all the plot twists gave me whiplash. But overall, good one.

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