The Boxer’s Omen (1983)

Kick boxing match between one of the local Chinese guys going up against a guy from Thailand. The Chinese guy wins fair and square, but the Thailand guy is having none of it, and sucker punches (and kicks) the Chinese guy, injuring him badly. The Chinese guy ends up in the hospital with a broken neck and broken spine, and paralyzed for life. The Chinese guy asks his brother to enact revenge on his behalf. Thing is, this guy from Thailand is a monstrous human and a kick boxing champion. The brother is a tough guy himself, but no match for the Thai Incredible Hulk guy. So, he’s gonna need some help.

We go through some weird rituals, not sure what any of it has to do with anything. But we get a big Satan altar, dual bat skeletons, some cobra venom, some human brains, some cute fuzzy tarantulas.

And then, I dunno. The whole movie gets derailed, and the brother finds himself on a totally different mission, to avenge the death of some monk, who he never even met, who was killed with black magic, and the only way he’ll be able to avenge his death is to undo the black magic.

Then we get a whole bunch more crazy crap. Eels and monk rituals, alligator skulls and more evil bats. All of it has a really bizarre midnight movie vibe to it. Doesn’t matter if the movie doesn’t make any sense; it’s just a bunch of crazy scenes one after another. Some really nice gooey icky stuff in the battle with the black magic priest.

The alligator cocoon is a really nice touch.

It eventually wraps around, and the brother gets a chance to avenge his paralyzed brother. But there’s all sorts of black magic still swirling around, so no matter what happens, we can expect some crazy crap. I mean, what does a 1000 year old mushroom have to do with anything? Who knows, who cares. This is another one of those Terry Gilliam / Jordorowski crazy ass movies, and it’s pretty amazing. And then we’re on a plane to Nepal. Because of course. You wouldn’t expect anything less of this movie.

Another one of those wonderfully crazy ass movies where you have absolutely no idea what’s coming next.

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