Blind Date (1984)

Totally forgettable sci-fi / thriller / slasher from the early 80s shot in Greece.

This movie is known for two things- it stars a young Kirstie Alley, well before her Cheers days, and she has a big ol’ boffo sex scene, with some decent nudity, with the male lead, Joseph Bottoms. I don’t know if she gets naked in any of her other films, but I’m no Kirstie Alley expert, so what do I know. Secondly, it features in a very small part Marina Sirtis, well before her Star Trek days, who plays a hooker who also gets (mostly) naked. Dunno if she ever got naked on screen again after this.

Also starring Keir Dullea  (who has possibly the worst haircut of his entire career, and I’ve seen Black Christmas), and sword-and-sandal regular Lana Clarkson in her first movie role. Even though Lana’s claim to fame in those sword-and-sandal movies were her two enormous breasts which she regularly flaunted out in the open, curiously, she barely gets naked at all in this one. She is, of course, the person who Phil Spector accidentally killed with a shotgun at some party in Hollywood many years ago. RIP Lana.

The one thing this movie isn’t known for is being good, because it sucks. It tries to be a Michael Crichton type sci-fi thriller, and tries to add a serial killer type giallo angle to it, as well as a Euro sex-crime flick. It doesn’t succeed. It’s not that bad of a premise- some guy has an accident, and a brain injury renders him blind. A doctor tries some experimental computer implant brain interface thing which will sorta bring back his sight. We have a whole lotta early 80s technology going on- cassette walkmans, Atari video game consoles with the joystick. He figures out a way to plug his brain thing into his Atari and play bricks in his brain, kinda like a Tron thing. It’s not made clear why he’s totally obsessed with this one model woman. He peeps on her with binoculars, before the accident obviously. He sneaks into her apartment when she’s not there. Sneaks into her bedroom and watches her sleep. Why does he do any of this? We have no idea. Meanwhile, we have a serial killer roaming the streets killing people, and that story doesn’t cross paths or have anything to do with the blind guy, so it’s like we have two totally separate movies going on here. Until over an hour into the movie, he stumbles upon one of the killings, and ‘sees’ the killer in his Tron-vision walkman thing.

But at the end of the film, when the identity of the killer is revealed, I’m like wait, was this person even in the movie before this? Who is this person? Am I supposed to know who this person is? Was this person in any other scenes?

And then all of a sudden Kirstie Alley is running down the middle of a busy street for miles and miles. Ugh, shoulder shrug, I dunno.

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